Picture of me
Hey there!

I am Tyler Eckert.

I am a designer specialized in User Experience with a special interest in Product Design and Product Management. I am a recent graduate from Kennesaw State University, slightly north of Atlanta, GA, with a BS of Interaction Design with a minor in Technical Communication.


Experience within design

I have taken courses and completed projects utilizing different design methods such as Lean UX and Goal-Directed Design. I have also completed multiple research reports regarding usability testing and ethnographic based research. I completed a directed study as a UX Consultant providing a complete site redesign and incorporating features such as Google Analytics to show stakeholders how my designs helps reach KPI's. I have also competed in a Design-A-Thon challenge held by Kennesaw State University and HatchBridge, and receiving first place overall.

UX Design
User Testing
Lean UX
Goal-Directed Design

Goals for the future

Develop my skills and form relationships with those within the Industry

Find a team that enables me to learn and grow as a designer

Provide users with the best possible UX practices
Tyler Eckert
User Experience Designer
Product Management
